Have you ever heard of the terminology called “phishing” pronounced “fishing”? Phishing is a form of cyber attack that baits you into providing personal or confidential information. Hackers use the phishing mechanism to lure you into giving them what they want. And before you know you’ve been scammed, it’s already too late.
Phishing can happen in many forms. It can come in the form of an email which ask you to provide information. It can come in the form of an attachment in an email, which once clicked on, it will start to gather your personal data. It can also come as a link or website online to where it can download software on your computer to extract information it needs or it will ask you for your credentials. Once you provided your credentials, you have basically provided the key to allow hackers right on in.
Hackers are getting more smarter in identifying ways to lure you into their trap. In a recent finding an organization lost $50,000 by a phishing scam through email. It is hard to recover what you’ve lost when you need to bring in I.T. professionals to investigate the issue. You also have loss of time if your organization is down. Not to mention, the time it takes to implement a security plan for future safety measures.
Some may think that having cybersecurity insurance will take care of incidents like this. However, with cybersecurity insurance, if you aren’t doing your due diligence to proactively protect your business, then the fault lies on your organization. Which makes it very hard to recoup any money lost. And just like any other insurance, there are always stipulations on what is and is not included.
If your organization does not have a cybersecurity plan in action, now’s the time to start looking at one. It only takes one click online or through your email to get hacked. And one click only takes less than a second. To protect your data, your business, your money, and your clients reach out to C Three Business Consultants. You don’t want to be the next victim of a phishing scam!