Did you know that not all updates are good for your computer? Yes, as an I.T. vendor, we always say that it is very important to stay up to date with the latest software updates and equipment. However, if you refuse to update your computer or your software then running updates may actually be more detrimental than it is worth it.
In a recent case with one of our clients they kept getting notifications to update their software. So just like any other I.T. vendor, we updated the software so that the notifications would stop popping up. The problem was that when we updated the software other software, they had on their computer stopped working or didn’t work as it used to. Which then effected the user to be able to do their job.
Updating the software may not always be your best option. In this case, if the client’s equipment was not up to date, then it would cause issues with having updated software on it. Or if the client has dated software on their computer, and they only made an update to one software and not all, then it can cause issues with the other software.
To always ensure that your equipment and software are working at optimal speeds and that you have no issues working, you should always update your equipment and software to the latest versions. Not only would you be compliant with any security features, but you will also be able to work efficiently with no issues. And never run an update on your computer just because you get a pop up saying you should. Always consult with your I.T. vendor first. Not all pop ups are legit. Meaning you can end up downloading a virus. And we all know what happens when you get a virus. Your computer gets infected, your network gets infected, and your operations could be down for days trying to remediate the issue.
Contact C Three Business Consultants Today to review your equipment and software upgrades or updates.