I am excited to share that I have joined the Board of Behavioral Health Response (BHR). It is a privilege to collaborate with an exceptional team of community leaders dedicated to ‘saving lives’ and making a positive impact. I am especially honored to work alongside Tiffany Lacy Clark, President & CEO of BHR, whose unwavering commitment to helping others is truly inspiring.
For over 28 years, BHR has provided 24-hour access to mental health services and counseling. We’re a nonprofit corporation comprised of trained clinicians and professionals who treat those in need with dignity, respect, excellence, and compassion.
Mental health services and awareness have changed dramatically since our founding in 1994. Our mission, however, remains the same: to ensure immediate, barrier-free access to behavioral health care. We leverage the latest technology and knowledge in our everyday practice to provide the best possible care to every caller, every day.
We’re dedicated to connecting people with the help they need, when and where they need it. Our entire organization – crisis line clinicians, mobile outreach clinicians, leadership, advisory board, and more – work together towards our mission.
Your contribution helps us expand our reach and share our resources with more people in need. We’re on a mission to make mental health support accessible to all. Your donation helps us save lives and provide compassionate support. What’s more, 100% of your gift goes toward supporting the behavioral health care needs of individuals.
Click on the link below to support saving lives!