A 404 error on your website is a sign that something is broken. A client was navigating through a website the other day trying to find the resources they needed and was met with a 404 error message. Which delayed them getting the information they needed. It forced them to actually exit the website and find another website that had the information they were was looking for.
Don’t allow your clients or prospects to be met with a 404 error message. Take the time to view your website and make sure that all of your pages are working correctly. Click on the links and make sure they are still working as well. Most importantly update your website so that it is mobile friendly.
The smallest up keep can change how a client or prospect perceives your business. Your website reflects YOU. If you want your clients and prospects to know that you stay on top of things then make sure you stay on top of your website. A website is not a set it and forget platform. Check out your website today and make sure everything works as it should!
Contact C Three Business Consultants for a FREE website consultation.