Are you carrying two cell phones? One is your personal cell phone and the other is a business cell phone. Eliminate the number of phones you carry and eliminate the costs of paying for an additional cell phone. Reduce your costs and reduce your environmental footprint.
At C Three Business Consultants, we can provide you with a business phone line that is downloadable as an app on your personal cell phone. You can make and take calls from the app as if you were at your place of business. And if someone leaves a message, the message will be transcribed and emailed to your inbox! So, you will never miss a call! Along with the business phone line app, we can provide fax through email. You don’t have to pay for an analog fax line or a fax machine. Reducing paper, ink, and costs of the fax machine.
With an abundance of options, we provide a more efficient cost-effective way for your business to operate. Contact us today to learn more!