If your entire network goes down due to failed network equipment, what will you do?
Having a Disaster Recovery Plan can mean a multitude of things for your business. Any disaster at any time can cause downtime, loss of money, loss of operations, loss of data, loss of equipment, and so on. No matter what the disaster you need to be prepared.
In a recent case an entire school district was hit with failed network equipment. Causing the district to lose internet, phones, and network capabilities. Causing the entire school district to shut down for the day. Leaving the school district defenseless and helpless until they can get back up and running.
Our job as I.T. professionals is to make sure things like this don’t happen. Having the right protocols in place could have identified that network equipment was failing. Making sure you have backup network equipment in place so that if it does fail you can easily swap it out and be up and running within minutes. Applying software to monitor your equipment and network 24/7 to eliminate any future issues. Running daily tests to ensure continuity.
Whatever the disaster, be prepared and be pre-active. Create a disaster recovery plan for your business. There should be a disaster recovery for just about anything in your business. You take a risk by not having the right protocols in place to be pre-active. Each and every one of these listed below can cause down time, loss of money, loss of operations, loss of equipment, and so on:
Network Equipment Failure, Slow or Loss of Internet, No Wifi, Computer Failure, Server Failure, Backup Failed, Software Failure, Copier is down, Printer is down, Access Control Failure, Digital Surveillance Failure, POS System is down, Credit Card System is down, Website being down, Website not secure, Someone hacked your network, Someone hacked your data, Emails not working, Phones don’t work, Employee out sick, Employee termination, Company vehicle doesn’t work, Mother Nature, and So on……. you get the idea.