The advantages of having a VoIP Phone System is the flexibility of everything it provides. Advance your business by upgrading to VoIP. The only thing you need are the phones, a good switch, and good internet. More and more businesses are moving away from traditional phone services and upgrading to VoIP.
VoIP allows you to make and take phone calls from anywhere. You can literally take the phone device anywhere you go as long as there is internet connectivity. So if you are on a business trip you can take your phone with you. If you prefer not to lug your phone around you can also install an app on your cell phone. The app on your cell phone allows you to make and take phone calls from your ell phone as if you were sitting at your desk. Masking your cell phone number so that no one will ever have your personal information.
Your voicemails can get transcribed to your email. Allowing you to always know who is calling and what they are calling about. Versus waiting to log into your voicemail to see what calls you have missed and what they were about it. You will never miss an important phone call ever again.
If you have multiple locations you can put all locations on one system. Allowing you to eliminate and consolidate multiple phone bills and vendors. This is great for accounting purposes. You can also still treat each location as separate locations. There are over 200 features of VoIP that traditional phone services can’t provide.
VoIP is reliant on the internet. You will need to make sure that you have good internet services. If the internet does go down and VoIP no longer pings a signal it can re-route to cell phones so your business is never down. Traditional phones don’t have this type of backup plan. If a traditional phone service is down then your business is down until the services are back up. Thus costing your business both time and money.
The best thing about VoIP is 99.9% of the time it is cheaper than traditional phone services. If you want to see if C Three Business Consultants can save you money while also advancing your business contact us today! It takes less than 5 minutes to review your phone and internet bill for savings.