Still using a dated computer? Newer technology means newer functionality and newer security features. Have you ever wondered why you need to upgrade your cell phone every 2 years? It’s because technology has changed and security features have been updated. Same goes with your computers you use.
It is recommended to update your software often to comply with security standards. It is also recommended to upgrade your computers every 3-5 years. It is very important that you have the latest and most up to date security features.
Hackers work 24/7 to find ways to get what they need. They find loop holes and penetrate the most weak network. Each computer you have acts as a portal for the hacker to get into your system. So as they say you are only as strong as your weakest link. If you have a computer that is more than 3-5 years old and you haven’t updated your software by now then you are endangering your data, your client’s data, as well as your network.
Do your business and your clients a favor and make sure you have the most up to date equipment and software in place. Do your due diligence as a business owner and be proactive. Protect what you’ve worked so hard for. Protect your business.
Contact C Three Business Consultants today to upgrade your computers, network, and software!