When you buy a computer, it is better to understand your options of warranties. Knowing the types of warranties will help you determine what is cost effective. Not just for today’s purchase but for the life of the computer.
A computer’s life span is about 3-5 years. And when we say computer, we talk about a desktop, tower, an all in one, or a laptop. When you buy a computer for your business at a retail store you are subject to the manufacturer’s warranty only. Manufacturer’s warranty depends on the type of the device but usually last no longer than 1 year. If you buy a computer, for your business, at a retail store and something goes wrong withing the manufacturer’s warranty your only option is to package the device and ship it off to the manufacturer. Leaving your employee without a device for as long as they have your computer.
The retail store may offer extended warranties on the device. For instance, Wal-Mart offers Assurant. It is an insurance company that will warranty your device for a certain amount. Now you can pay for the extended warranty but then again when you go file a claim you are subject to package up the device and send it off. Again, leaving your employee without a device for as long as they have it.
There are retail stores like Micro Center and Best Buy that also have their own extended warranty. You, as the business, will pay an extra fee to purchase the extended warranty. They offer several packages. One where you have to bring in the device to where you purchased it and or an option where they come to you for service. The problem with this is, if you brought in your device for them to service, they would check it in and let you know the time frame of when they can get to it. Leaving your employee without a device until you get it back. And when you do get it back, you will have to drive back up there to get it. If you pay more money to have them, come to you, then chances are that package comes with an increased price.
If you buy your computer from a local I.T. Vendor, they will not only honor the up to 1 year manufacturer warranty, but they also have their own warranty that comes with the original price of the computer. That way you don’t have to pay for an extended warranty. Most local I.T. Vendors have a standard 3-year warranty on any computer they sell. The first year is parts and labor and the two additional years are just parts. The greatest thing about buying from a local I.T. Vendor is that they will come to you and depending on where you’re at in your warranty, there is no extra charges to come onsite to you. Making it super easy for support and less down time. When you buy local, you’re supporting local. Because that’s what you’d want someone to do with your business. Most importantly, you’re saving both TIME and MONEY when you need support.
Contact C Three Business Consultants today for your next business computer purchase!