Running an internet speed test on your network can determine a multitude of things. It can determine if you’re truly getting the services you are paying for, it can determine if there are issues on the network, and it can determine if the speed you have is not sufficient for your day-to-day operations.
Most often businesses will continue to pay for services that they aren’t truly using. It could be that your internet works fine. So, your finance department continues to pay the invoice. But if you’re not getting the true speeds you are paying for then why pay for those speeds at a higher price? Look into lowering your speeds or contacting the vendor to adjust your bill according to the speeds you are receiving.
In some cases, you need the true speeds you are paying for, but the speed test reveals you’re not getting those speeds. Maybe your speeds are lacking to where you’re on a video conference call and you lock up or your internet is so slow that your employees can’t work efficiently. If the speed test shows speeds that you’re not paying for then start with troubleshooting your network. The internet could be at max speeds from the line to your building but when it hits your network it could decrease. Most often this has to deal with upgrading your network and computer equipment in order to receive the true speeds.
If you are doing more on the internet like research, you have cloud base software, virtual conferences, and so on. You might find that you need better faster internet speeds. As your business environment changes your technology environment needs to change. The speeds you had a year ago may not be the speeds you need today. In order for your business to scale your technology needs to scale with it.
No matter what issues you have with your internet it is always good to review it from time to time. Saving money is just as good as saving time. Work with a local vendor, such as C Three Business Consultants, to find better internet solutions and to implement proper network and computer equipment. We are a local company with a national presence.