Protecting your data is the key to protecting your business. We often overlook how important it is to create password policies within our organization. With password policies you can get a head of an incident before it even happens.
Creating a password that is 9 – 15 characters long using numbers, letters, and special characters will make your password strong. It’s a lot harder for a hacker to guess a password that is unusual and less common. Creating a strong password can deter a hacker and allow them to move on to something less complicated.
Having 2 factor authentication allows you to log in with your credentials, but also allows you to confirm through other means that it was you who logged in. Some use Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, SMS text messaging, or even a personal email. Once alerted of someone trying to get into your account, you can decline the confirmation, and immediately change your password.
It is also recommended to update your password every 90 days. You can do it sooner, but you should never wait longer to update it. Regularly updating your password means that no one can get into your account by using old or saved passwords on your computer or phone. Keep them guessing!
The last thing you do not want to do is use the same password for all of your accounts. Make sure you have a different password for each account you have. We understand that it can be frustrating to create new passwords all the time, have 2 factor authentication, or even try to remember multiple passwords. BUT, it is also frustrating when you lose time and money because you got hacked.