More often than not when your computer isn’t performing at optimal speeds the issue could be with your computer. Although there are many other factors as to why your computer is slow, locks up, or is just acting abnormal. The most common one is staying up to date with your software and equipment.
Having a computer is like having a car. You need to ensure you take it in for maintenance every so often. The more you use it the more it needs to have maintenance. Look at it like an oil change. You drive your car and every 3000-5000 miles you take it in for a new oil change and the technician then suggests other things that need to be replaced. Such as your air filter, your tires, adding fuel cleaner, and so on.
Well your computer operates the same way. The more you use it the more you need to maintain it. Such as running updates, defragging your hard drive, ensuring all software is up to date and still doing what it should do, and checking your backup to make sure it’s still running. And just like a car the older it is the more harder it is to not only maintain but to get parts. So keep that in mind about your computer. The longer you have it the more money it will cost you to maintain it. So if you have had your computer for more than 5 years then it’s probably time for an upgrade.
Sure you can keep your computer for longer than 5 years, but is it really cost effective to do so? The older it is the more updates and maintenance it will require. If you want to excel in your business and you want your employees to work with no issues then consider constantly having maintenance done on your computers. If your computers are more than 5 years old then consider replacing them with something newer.
Technology is meant to change and evolve everyday. And so should your business. Don’t over look your equipment you use to operate everyday. Contact C Three Business Consultants today for a free consultation on your computers. Let us evaluate your equipment and find solutions to maintain them, upgrade them, and budget for them.