.What is wireless internet? Wireless internet is a connection to your internet that does not need a direct connection. You can connect to the internet wirelessly from your laptop, phone, or any device that has the capability to do so. Having the capability to do so requires a wireless network card in the device that you’re using. Most devices are already setup with wireless internet connection capabilities.
Making sure you have the right equipment is very important. The routers that are given to you buy your Internet Service Provider may not be of business grade. You will need to ensure you have a business grade router and business grade network equipment to ensure security and reliability of your network.
What is the proper way to setup wireless internet? The proper way to setup wireless internet for your business is to configure the router and network equipment. Create an internal wireless network as well as a guest wireless network. Create two different credentials for your internal network as well as your guest wireless network.
The internal wireless network will secure your business network. Your employees will only have access to the internal wireless network. This will safeguard anyone from tapping into your internet and accessing your network beyond the internet connection.
The guest network should be configured so that your clients can come in and access the internet. With a guest wireless connection, your client will only have access to your internet and does not have access to your internal network.
The credentials for your internal network will be different than the credentials for your clients. Never allow your business internet connection to be “open”. When setting up the wireless network make sure that everything is properly configured, and password protected.
If you need help with configuring your router, network equipment, and setting up your wireless network contact C Three Business Consultants today!